Yes, some is gritty. I don't see why not, everyone else does it. Although I always tend to surprise people at times because I'm so shy aka "innocent".
oh, it's raining so hard outside, kind of sucks...but I actually like the rain once it sounds harsh, it drowns all the other things out, including my mind. I don't like gray drizzley days though, depressing and cold. Snow at least make you feel comfy once your inside if it's warm indoors...ususally for me however, it's cold inside...but that's what blankets are for.

I wasn't feeling great that day.

This day I simply thought it was a neat idea, and I wanted to make it more mature. After all, I'm not a child anymore. I also intended it to be more sketchy and less worked on, but I added color.

Some random idea, really, it turned out nothing the way I wanted it to. Humouring myself with my hair color, I was going to make some anime character...but obviously, there's no awsome character, nor pose, or sharp looking outfit design. Why? because Im shit at anime cell coloring, and really bad with line art, esspecially humans. She was supposed to have a front view of looking at viewer, but, didnt' happen. Skills didnt allow it. I rant alot? really?

In progress, It was[really] late, and I had to work, so I went to bed.

Yes, I use color too. This is a coloring of a random sketch that was unproportionate and kind of messy, but I slightly liked it still.....although having one person save it to their favourites was actually what inspired me to work with it again. I intended to scrap the doodle awhile ago.
Really, it doesn't look quite the same anymore.
That's the most of what I got right now.
I'm gonna go live my awsomely slightly depressing Friday with a movie. Night.